
Active filters

Price €280.00

BLACKMAGIC URSA MINI 12K RENTAL Ursa Mini 12k rental - hire...






  • Blackmagic camera rentals. Blackmagic Cameras are an economical rental solution, but with great technical features. The new model of Blackmagic cameras, Ursa Mini Pro 4.6 K G2, has a Super 35 HDR sensor with 4.6 K resolution and allows recording at maximum frequencies of up to 300 FPS in HD resolution. The Blackmagic Ursa Mini Pro 4.6 K cameras are available in PL mount and offer a dynamic range of 15 steps of latitude. Available for rent at Camaleón Rental.
  • Multi-camera realization. So far we have seen the features that make Blackmagic cameras a highly competent filmmaking option, but it doesn't stop there. Blackmagic cameras offer very relevant features for use in other media such as television, events or live production.
  • Atem camera mixers. Blackmagic has created different mixers that allow the control of different signals simultaneously from live cameras. There are different models, and among them is the new Atem Constellation 8k. As with DaVinci Resolve, control panels can be added to these mixers for fast access and control.
  • External camera recorders. Blackmagic has launched the first external 8k recorder (HyperDeck Extremem 8k HDR) even though they also have different models. It is ideal for live camera productions, digital signage or archive material.
  • Distributors. Matrices for multi-camera productions that allow the distribution of different signals to different devices. The blackmagic Design camera house offers complete cinema camera solutions at competitive rental prices. Its cameras are compact and rugged, in addition to favoring a workflow of the most operational thanks to the experience of this brand in digital post-production equipment and the software developed by the same brand Davinci Resolve. Complete Blackmagic Ursa Mini Pro camera packages with PL lenses are available for rental. 



  • Blackmagic URSA Mini G2 camera rental. It is a digital film camera with renewed electronic components and a Super 35 HDR sensor with 4.6 K resolution that allows recording at maximum frequencies of up to 300 f/s in HD resolution.
  • The new blackmagic camera, available for rental, offers a dynamic range of 15 stops and integrated neutral density filters. This URSA Mini Pro 4.6k G2 model is available with PL mount. Blackmagic URSA Mini G2 camera rental at Camaleon Rental.
  • Blackmagic Ursa Mini Pro 4.6k g2 available for rental, has two CFast card slots and two SD card slots for storing images in Blackmagic RAW or ProRes format, and an innovative USB-C expansion port for connecting external SSD drives. This version also includes a wide variety of professional controls, a backlit display and a folding touchscreen monitor, among other features.
  • With Super 35 HDR sensor at 4.6K, with a dynamic range of 15 steps and a maximum frequency of 300 FPS in HD resolution. Its 4.6K sensor allows capturing images up to 4608 x 2592 pixels larger than the DCI 4K format, and has a dynamic range of 15 stops and a native ISO value of 3200, ideal for HDR projects.
  • Sensor: 25.34 mm x 14.25 mm (Super 35) UHD Sensor
  • Resolution: Up to 4.6K
  • Sensor Resolution: 4608 x 2592 pixels
  • High speed: 4k 120 FPS and HD 300 FPS.
  • Sensitivity: Native EI 3200
  • Mount: PL
  • Latitude: 15 Stops
  • Video Outputs: 2x SDI
  • Recording format: Blackmagic RAW, ProRes
  • Power supply: 12-20 V
  • Power consumption: 65 W
  • Dimensions: 202 mm / 209 mm / 146.8 mm




  • The Blackmagic URSA Mini Pro 12K rental revolutionizes digital cinematography with a Super 35 sensor (12,288 x 6480) and 14 steps of dynamic range built into the award-winning camera body. With 80 megapixels per frame, new colorimetry and the flexibility of the Blackmagic RAW codec, working in 12K resolution is now a reality.
  • The 12K oversampling process delivers the best images in 8K and 4K, with subtle skin tones and extraordinary detail worthy of high-end still cameras. You can also shoot at 60 FPS in 12K, 120 FPS in 8K and up to 240 FPS in 4K (Super 16). In addition, URSA Mini Pro 12K features an interchangeable PL mount, built-in neutral density filters, two slots for CFast and SD UHS-II cards, and a USB-C Super Speed expansion port. In addition, URSA Mini Pro 12K includes DaVinci Resolve Studio for creative control during all phases of post-production, from editing and color grading to visual effects. Camaleon Rental
  • 12K camera that has a 12K 12,288 x 6480 pixel Super 35 mm sensor offering exceptional resolution for high quality productions. It supports 80 Megapixels per frame at 60 FPS in RAW format and 14 steps of dynamic range. The URSA Mini Pro 12K camera delivers such sublime resolution that it far exceeds the traditional parameters of the film industry, offering the advantages of shooting on tape with incredible detail and vivid, rich colors.
  • Sensor: Super 35" sensor
  • Resolution: up to 12K
  • Sensitivity: 800 native
  • Mount: PL Interchangeable
  • Weight: 2.55 KG
  • Formats: ProRes / Blackmagic Raw
  • Latitude: 14 Stops
  • High Speed: Up to 240 FPS
  • Internal ND Filters: NDS (0.6, 1.2 and 2.1)




  • Ursa Mini 4.6 K rental. Blackmagic camera that has been designed to be used in productions of all kinds: from documentaries to fiction, through high level films, the camera is versatile and maintains a good performance in any of its aspects.
  • Blackmagic URSA Mini 4.6K design and construction. Its rugged, yet compact and handy construction makes it suitable for use as a shoulder camera without compromising the quality of the resulting footage. It has a backlit black-and-white side viewfinder for easy operation in bright sunlight or dark environments, and incorporates internal neutral density filters. It also incorporates a fold-out external touchscreen that can be used as a supplementary monitor and two pairs of XLR and 12G SDI ports, as well as a built-in microphone and dual CFast and UHS-II card slots.
  • Blackmagic URSA Mini 4.6K sensor. The Blackmagic 4.6K Super 35 (25.34 mm x 14.25 mm), 4608 x 2592 effective pixels sensor provides over 14 steps of latitude and a wide color space (larger than the Rec. 2020 space) compatible with DaVinci Resolve. The camera can record at up to 4K, 60 FPS in RAW Cinema DNG or Apple ProRes 444 XQ format.
  • Resolution: 4.6K (4608 x 2592) recording.
  • Dynamic range: 15 stops
  • Mount: PL
  • Weight: 2.51 Kg.
  • Video output: 12G SDI.
  • Recording support: CFast 2.0



Blackmagic Cameras available for rent:

Ursa 4.6 K Pro G2 Camera Rental | Ursa 4.6 K Pro Camera Rental | Ursa 12K Camera Rental.

* Check our rental offers for complete camera packages.
