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OConnor Ultimate 1030D and 1030Ds tripod rental.The OConnor Ultimate 1030D fluid head is a lightweight head that shares features with OConnor's other Ultimate heads. This allows operators to easily transition between lighter and heavier cameras without having to relearn how to think about the differences between fluid heads. The 1030 tripod offers a host of features that have been borrowed from the superior 2575 and 2065 models to allow cinematographers to seamlessly transition from heavier to lighter weight camera configurations. This tripod has evolved along its versions 1030, 1030d, 1030 ultimate.
  • Maximum/minimum height: 178-55 cm
  • Base: 100 mm
  • Maximum load: 13.6 kg
  • Included: Tripod
  • Level: illuminated bubble
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Oconnor 1030D tripod and fluid head rental. The Oconnor 1030D rental head system features an ultra-smooth and continuous fluid drag system for both pan and tilt. It has been specifically enhanced, providing optimum control and stability. The Oconnor 1030D fluid head system rental also incorporates a patented OConnor sinusoidal balance and control system. This allows for perfect and precise balance at any point in the tilt range.

Oconnor 1030D rental supports 30 pounds (13.61 kg) of camera and accessories at a C.O.G. (center of gravity) 6 inches (15.24 cm) above the camera platform. The Oconnor 1030D rental counterweight system helps prevent the camera from tilting forward or backward in the head on its own, and to remain in the position in which the operator places it without requiring additional effort to hold it in place. The 1030D's counterweight system is a continuous system, so it continuously varies from the maximum weight the head can support to zero. This makes the 1030D rental extremely versatile and suitable for use from heavy ENG style cameras to lightweight cameras, while maintaining the same operational feel.

The Oconnor 1030D rental features interchangeable camera platforms and comes standard with a side-locking and a sliding baseplate. The side-locking platform allows you to mount and dismount the camera on the Oconnor 1030D rental head, and lift it directly from the head without having to slide it from the back.

The Oconnor 1030D fluid head rental can tilt 90 degrees forward and backward, allowing you to tilt the camera down and then up, all in the same shot. The camera also features independent drag controls and locks for pan and tilt. The 100 mm spherical base included in the Oconnor 1030D system rental is removable and can be replaced with other available bases.

The Oconnor 1030D rental tripod head features an integrated bubble level for quick confirmation of levelness, and the level is illuminated for low light conditions. The panoramic handle included with the Oconnor 1030D rental can be attached to either side of the fluid head using the mounting rosette located on either side of the head. The Oconnor 1030D rental also features standard front box mounting points compatible with available front box brackets, and provisions for attaching an eyepiece leveler or other accessories to the head.



1030D Payload and Counterweight

The Oconnor 1030D head rental supports cameras and accessories up to 30 pounds at a C.O.G. of 6 inches. This is what the counterweight can override and keep the head neutral at any position in the tilt range. Lighter camera systems can be mounted with a higher C.O.G., while heavier camera systems must be mounted closer to the fluid head camera platform for the counterweight to do its job. OConnor specifies 24 pounds at a C.O.G. above the 8-inch platform and 39 pounds at 4 inches. These are the maximum weights, and the continuous counterweight can be adjusted down to zero to accommodate lightweight cameras with the 1030D head on rental.

1030D Camera Platform

The included spring-loaded side-loading camera platform allows you to more easily insert and remove the camera when mounted on a sliding base plate, similar to what is available with touch-and-go plates. However, with the side-loading platform you get the advantages of a touch and go quick release system, while still being able to use the base plate to balance the camera. In addition, the side-loading platform includes its own forward and reverse slide adjustment. This gives you additional balance adjustment for the Oconnor 1030D rental.

1030D Tilt Range

Rental 1030D provides 90 degrees of forward and backward tilt while supporting camera packages weighing up to 30 pounds (6' C.O.G.) This wide tilt range is achieved while supporting camera packages ranging from very light to 30 pounds.

1030D Pivot and Tilt Controls

The 1030 fluid head rental features independent pan and tilt controls for lock and drag. The pan and tilt locks are easy to operate, requiring only the squeeze of a single hand.

Oconnor 1030D Ball Leveler

The 100 mm ball base included in the Oconnor 1030D alquier pack provides a lateral support base that easily accommodates the heavy loads this fluid head can support. The ball allows you to quickly level the shot without having to adjust the tripod legs. The ball base is also removable, and available options include a Mitchell base or a 150 mm ball base if that's what you prefer in your Oconnor 1030 rental setup.

1030D Illuminated Bubble Level

Oconnor 1030 rental comes with a built-in bubble level, which helps level your shot. With the push of a button, the bubble level will illuminate for approximately 25 seconds to work in low light conditions. The battery is easily replaceable, and the head comes with a factory installed and tested battery.

1030D Front Box and Accessory Mount

The included front box mounting points allow you to attach an available front box with the Oconnor 1030 rental, providing you with high-end accessory mounting features. There are also accessory mounting points on the rear of the fluid head that allow you to attach available accessories, such as an eyepiece leveling bracket.



Balancing the 1030D head

It is very important that you make sure that the Oconnor 1030D rental is level before balancing it. Check the bubble level to verify that the 1030D head and make sure that the platform is also level. Balancing the 1030D rental head achieves two goals: First, when a head is properly balanced, the operator will need only minimal effort to move the camera. Secondly, once balanced, the head and its payload can be placed in any tilt position and the head will hold this position with hands still.

The following graph on the Oconnor 1030D shows the load range and heights C of G (center of gravity) that can be maintained in balance.

The area below the balance curve (on the left) corresponds to the load/C of G combinations that can be balanced over the full ±90° tilt range for the 1030D. The area above the balance curve (on the right) corresponds to G-load/C-load combinations that exceed the capacity of the 1030D rental head.


Payload and counterweight weight 1030D

Before adjusting the payload weight and counterweight on the Oconnor 1030D rental, the front and rear balance must be adjusted.

Tilt the platform down and up using the handle. When properly balanced there should be no perceptible tilting force on the handle at any tilt angle and the Oconnor 1030D head on rental should remain in whatever tilt position it is adjusted to.

If necessary, adjust the counterweight as follows: If the head tends to fall when the platform is tilted, adjust the platform level and turn the crank clockwise to increase the counterweight. Or, on the other hand, if the head tends to fall back when the platform is tilted, adjust the platform level and turn the crank counterclockwise to decrease the counterweight.

Using the crank handle, tilt the platform up and down to recheck the balance. Adjust the counterweight, until the balance of the camera on tripod and Oconnor 1030D rental head is achieved.

Once balancing is complete, verify that the front and rear balance is still correct. Readjust the position of the Oconnor 1030D rental platform, if necessary.

Make movements, with the Oconnor 1030D fluid head for rent, through the full range of pan and tilt to confirm that it operates smoothly.


Features and benefits of 1030D

The Oconnor 1030D rental tripod and fluid head is the smallest of OConnor's Ultimate range of fluid heads and features OConnor's continuous counterbalance system, as well as ultra-smooth pan and tilt fluid drag designed for film-style shoots.

The folding counterweight crank included with the Oconnor 1030D rental facilitates payload balancing. Oconnor 1030D has all controls on the side of the camera operator's head (on the left or "smart" side) and features platform scales and two rosette grip mounts on either side of the head.

OConnor's patented fluid drag system, included with the rental, allows extremely fast panning movements from one position to another, recovering instantly without any springy recoil.

The illuminated bubble level allows you to easily make adjustments in low light conditions.



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