COOKE ANAMORPHIC FF 1.8X HIRE Cooke Anamorphic SF 1.8x Full...

Film Lenses Rental/Hire. In Camaleon Rental, we have a wide range of high end lenses for rental/hire: spherical, anamorphic, prime lenses and zooms. Beside the S35mm standard cinema lenses, we also have Full Frame prime lenses and zooms. Furthermore, we offer super16mm lenses, which you can now use in digital cameras thanks to the new Arri Alexa Mini and Arri Amira Premium software updates. Our rental/hire lens sets and zooms cover 2K, 4K, 5K and even 8K resolutions.
What Cine lenses do we have for rental?
Full frame Cine lenses for rental - hire
If you hire full frame lens sets in Camaleon Rental, you can choose between the latest lens released: Zeiss, Arri, Cooke and Leica.
- Full Frame Cine Lenses Arri Signature Prime T1.8 Cine Lenses Rental/Hire
The Full Frame Arri Signature Prime T1.8 cine lenses is composed of 16 large format primes. From 12mm to 280mm. Arri Signature Primes lenses have LPL mount.
The Arri Signature Primes cine exemplify the most advanced lens precision. They have been designed to create organic and attractive images, gently softening and texturing the large format with natural skin tones and creamy bokeh.
A fast T1.8 stop facilitates depth of field, and the lens' soft focus ring movement gives subjects greater presence in the frame.
- Full Frame Cine Lenses Zeiss Supreme Prime T1.5 Cine Lenses Rental/Hire
ZEISS Supreme Prime cine lenses are designed to cover large format sensors, making them the ideal choice for both S35 and Full frame camera systems. In environments with very low light, its T1.5 aperture demonstrates its excellent construction.
ZEISS Supreme Prime T1.5 cine have a front 95mm diameter in almost the entire lens set. The standardized focus position and iris rings across the entire lens range facilitate quick and easy focal change.
The compact and lightweight design of the Zeiss Supreme Prime T1.5 cine lenses allows easy and convenient camera handling.
- Full Frame Cine Lenses Cooke S7/i T2 Cine Lenses Rental/Hire
The Cooke Plus cine S7/i T2 lenses are designed to cover all emerging full frame camera sensors up, they also cover the entire area of Red Monstro 8k Vista Vision sensors with a 46.31mm image circle
They allow 35mm, Super 35mm, and Vista Vision format recording; giving their trademark "Cooke Look®". The rental/hire of the Cooke S7/i Plus cine lens set is available in Camaleon Rental.
Cooke S7/i T2 cine offer optimal performance, flash control, distortion, glare and spherical aberrations at full aperture. The focusing mechanism allows smooth focus adjustments. Its modular construction increases ease of maintenance and service.
Cooke S7/i cine lenses are equipped with /i technology to capture digital information frame by frame.
The Cooke lens house has released the following large format cine primes: 16,18, 21, 25, 27, 32, 40, 50, 65, 75, 100 and 135 mm.
- Full Frame Cine Lenses Leica Thalia Full Frame Cine Lenses Rental/Hire
Leica THALIA large format cine lenses offer a constant cinematic look and sensation across its entire 9 lens range: from 24mm to 180mm.
The large format Leica Thalia cine have a large image circle to cover any kind of sensor, even ARRI's ALEXA 65. They can also create impressive images on a VistaVision, a Super 35 or a celluloid film sensor. Its image circle has a 60mm size.
These cine lenses are incredibly light and compact, and have a front diameter of 95mm. Available in PL, LPL and XPL mount, with Cooke/i technology metadata connectors.
The unique circular iris design creates a soft and distinct bokeh. Although Leica Thalia lenses are not vintage lenses, they offer many of the features that have taken cinematographers to combine older lenses with digital sensors.
S35 Cine Lenses Hire - Rental
- Leica Summilux C T1.4 L Cine Lens Rental/Hire
Leica Summilux C lenses have a T1.4, and an average weight of only 1.7kg per lens. This the smallest fast-aperture lens set you can find. The Summilux C lenses are specially designed for cinematography.Leica SUMMILUX-C feature a patented focusing mechanism that avoids the older logarithmic approach, expanding the focus scale in the most critical range.The Leica Summilux C spherical lenses have been used in fiction series such as Stranger Things.
- Leica Summicron C T2 Cine Lenses Rental/Hire
- Fujinon ZK 85-300mm T2.9 zoom film lens rental/hire