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VEO 340S
Price €750.00

PHANTOM VEO 340s HIRE - RENTAL Phantom Veo 340s rental -...

List of products by brand PHANTOM FLEX & VEO



  • It all started in 1950 when a young engineer left his job at Fairchild Camera to pursue a career in an industry that barely existed. He formed a company named Brand New Photographic Analysis Company.
  • In the early years of the company's existence, high-speed photographic images were captured on photographic film. The company is dedicated to teaching and applying high speed photography to numerous clients for a multitude of applications. They created high-speed cameras so reliable that the US Department of Defense lists them for military purposes.
  • Its headquarters are in Wayne, a municipality in the state of New Jersey. Their cameras are marketed as Phantom and are special cameras that work at high speed.



  • For the first forty-two years high-speed photographic images were generally "captured" on photographic film. The company has excelled in teaching and applying high speed photography to numerous clients for a multitude of applications.
  • In 1992, the company decided to form a separate entity to design and manufacture high-speed electronic images that were independent of photographic film. Later known as Vision Research® and its family of electronic images is currently marketed under the brand name "Phantom®".
  • Currently, Phantom is the brand of high-speed cameras that is most in demand worldwide. There are various camera models in the market like Phantom 2k and 4k, Phantom veo 321S and veo 640.


You can consult all our Phantom cameras in camera rental hire Madrid section or Phantom Flex rentall. Consult our extensive catalogue of film and TV equipment for hire.

Phantom Flex 4K Rental

  • The Phantom Flex 4k camera for rent can record up to 1000 fps at 4K, that is, ultra-slow motion. It comes with a PL mount and various professional peripheral accessories. It has a fps range from 15 frames per second to 2949 frames per second. It uses a 72Gb RAM. This camera model can only be rented with a specialized technician.

Phantom Veo 4K Rental

  • The Phantom Veo 4K camera for rent allows us to record at ultra speed, thanks to its 1000 frames per second in 4K resolution. It uses a PL mount, has a 72Gb RAM and a weight of 22.8Kg. It has 10Gb of Ethernet for fast processing, it also includes 3G HD-SDI and HDMI outputs. It is made of resistant materials and can withstand temperatures between 30º and up to 100º.

    Phantom Flex 2.5K Rental

    • It has 32 GB of RAM. It is considered as a great high speed camera. The Phantom Flex 2.5k camera has a frame rate of 2570 frames per second in FullHD and 1455 frames per second in 2K. It has a weight of 5.4 kg. The sensor that the camera uses is 2.5k is a 4 megapixel Super-35mm CMOS.

    Rental Phantom Veo 640S

    • The Phantom Veo 640S for rent is an ideal camera for use in advertising or film, thanks to the Super 35mm sensor. It has a 4-megapixel CMOS that gives us a 12-bit color depth. It reaches a speed of up to 1400 frames per second in Full HD and up to 5700 frames per second at 1280x720. It is a light camera since it weighs only 2.5Kg.

    Rental Phantom Veo 340S

    • There are two models of this Phantom camera, the Veo 340L which is mainly used for research and the Veo 340S which is the one used for film and advertising as it has a 35mm sensor with a resolution of 2.5K. The one for cinema and advertising is the one we have for rent, and it can withstand a temperature of between 10º and 50º. It has 72Gb of RAM and weighs 2.5Kg.