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Production Services Navarre




Production Services Navarre. The Regional Community of Navarre is a privileged place due to its history and its enclave. It offers the best opportunities for any kind of film project and its crew, whether it's a feature film, a short film, documentaries, advertising, etc... With its own culture and idiosyncrasy, it also maintains the mystery its forests have since an immemorial time. Navarre's forest tales, myths and legends are still alive nowadays, and they have led to great best-selling novels adapted to film or television.


In CAMALEÓN CINEMA SERVICES NAVARRE we offer you and your crew the possibility of carrying out any film project in Navarre. We take advantage of the excellent possibilities offered by this singular territory: its landscape enclaves and tax deductions, grants and subsidies offered by the Regional Government for film. These are specially advantageous compared to the rest of the national territory.

CAMALEÓN CINEMA SERVICES NAVARRE has the most modern equipment and the most qualified crew to carry out any film production project, we have technical and artistic crew with proven experience and dedication to ensure we give the best guarantee of success. We also have our own camera, lighting and grip equipment.

Camaleon and its crew are always available for our clients to advise and carry out their film in Navarre. Ask us and we will offer you a personal service and a great crew that will meet your expectations.




Navarre has many geographical contrasts, which makes it an incomparable and original film set, very attractive for any film crew. From unique and privileged natural landscapes, such as the "Señorío de Bértiz", the "Baztán" Valley, the Royal "Bárdenas", the forests of the Atlantic Navarre (Navarra), the Natural Reserve of "Larra" or the "Irati jungle"; to historical environments such as the "Aizkolegi" Palace, the "Javier" Castle, the Royal Palace of "Olite", the Queen bridge, and many others that have marked the history and culture of Navarre. You'll also find towns full of history and mythology, mystery and beauty, such as: "Elizondo", "Tudela", "Estella", the "Santiago" Path or "Zugarramurdi" (known as Town of Witches, as we saw in the famous film). This landscape encompasses every film location possible. Navarre offers infinity of places where your film will be a guaranteed success.production-services-navarre

CAMALEÓN CINEMA SERVICES NAVARRE and its crew puts location managers at your disposal to choose the most appropriate filming sites in Navarre to carry out your film project. The crew will attend any complementary requests necessary for the feature film, short film, television series or the documentary that you want to film in Navarra's Regional Community. Our crew offers the advice and all the necessary means to make the film possible.


The advantages to film in Navarre are: first of all, the variety of its landscapes, its enclaves full of history and its myths and legends that have been transmitted for centuries till our present day; and its popular culture that allows great possibilities of script and photography. Navarra has everything you and your crew need to carry out any film project. This combined with our professional and technically experienced crew, is what CAMALEÓN CINEMA offers to its clients.


Secondly, there are also economic tax advantages your film and crew can benefit from in Navarre. Later on we'll explain the all different tax deductions, grants and subsidies you and your crew can obtain for your film in Navarre. To inform, advise and carry out the necessary steps, CAMALEÓN CINEMA NAVARRE has a specialized crew for these matters, who will contribute to make the film possible from the start; looking for sources of financing if necessary, and performing the necessary procedures to obtain tax deductions, grants and subsidies. These grants are available on a State and on a Regional level.

Finally, you and your crew can enjoy Navarra's gastronomy and wines. You and your crew can experience the most worldwide famous regional event: the "Sanfermines". These are ideal complements to come and film your project in Navarre. CAMALEÓN CINEMA NAVARRE and its crew are waiting for you.

What is the tax regime of the Regional Community of Navarre regarding tax breaks on production services?

The Regional Community of Navarre has its own tax regime and regulatory structure, which allows it to improve its fiscal incentives compared to the rest of Spain. The deductions for investments in cinematographic productions and fiction series  are regulated in article 70 of the Regional Law 24/1996, of December 30, of the Corporation Tax, which establishes two types of assumptions. Being able to apply for only one of them, these incompatible with each other: 1. Deductions for investments in Spanish feature film projects: fiction series, an animation film or a documentary film that allow the preparation of a physical support prior to serial industrial fabrication. (Art. 70., section 1), this part will authorize a deduction of 35% for the producer, which exceeds the one that prevails in the rest of the Spanish State. In the aforementioned Law, it is established that the base of the deduction will be the total cost of the project, to which other specified expenses may be added in the aforementioned section. This way, the specified expenses extend the deduction's own base by a very considerable percentage, setting a percentage of expenses that must be spent in Navarre (Navarra). Likewise, the following points are determined In the case of co-productions. The amounts of the deductions corresponding to each co-producer, the periods in which the deduction may be applied, and the compatibility with the subsidies received to finance the investments that generate the right to subsidy.

What requirements are necessary to apply this deduction?

Two requirements are required to qualify for tax deductions. First, the film work or audiovisual series must obtain the certificate of nationality; and the certificate that proves its cultural objective in relation to the content, its link with the cultural reality or its contribution to enrichment of the cultural diversity of the audiovisual works that are exhibited in Spain.

Both certificates are sent by the Institute of Cinematography and Audiovisual Arts (ICAA), and they must obey a series of requirements established by law at national level in both cases.

The second requirement involves the deposit of a copy of the film in the "Filmoteca Española", or in its absence, in the officially recognized film library by the Autonomous Community.

2. Deductions for performance  by the producers registered in the Registry of Cinematographic Companies, of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, of a film or an audiovisual work that allows the preparation of a physical support prior to their serial industrial fabrication. (Art. 70, section 2), which will entitle a deduction of 35% for expenses made in the territory of Navarre.

What requirements are necessary to apply for this deduction?

This deduction can not be applicable without the setting of a minimum film shooting period and its possible exceptions to its fulfillment.

The Regional Law also specifies the expenses that will comprise the bases of the deduction, and these bases must be carried out in the territory of Navarre (Navarra) directly related to production:

In general, the total amount of the deductions with the rest of the subsidies received by each investor in a feature film or audiovisual work will have a limit of 50% of the total film process cost, there are exceptions contemplated in the same law for cases of international co-productions financed by more than one Member State of the European Union and in which producers from more than one Member State participate.

What aid and subsidies on film can be obtained in the Regional Community of Navarre?

The Community of Navarre (Navarra) generates a subsidy for film called "Call for Aid’’ every year, with the support of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth. You'll find it by the name of "Generazinema", who's regulatory bases call will be established each year. The amount of the granted subsidies and the deadline for submitting applications are determined as well. The last call was published on June 13, 2,018 in the Official Gazette of Navarre (Navarra), in which  three types of aid were established:

-Modality A): Aids for the production of feature films.

-Modality B): Aids in the production of short films.

-Modality C): Aid for the development of feature film production projects.

Each call specifies the criteria to be adjusted to any modality, the start and end times of filming for Modalities A and B are fixed, and the deadline for submission of documentation for Modality C, as well as the maximum number of applications of requests of help for each Modality.

What requirements are necessary to be a beneficiary of the aid?

In general, they are established by the Regional Law. It protects all those crew members or entities that are in a situation explained in the basis for granting the subsidy, as well as those that specifically attend each call with a series of limitations, unless call has exceptions.

What services does "CAMALEÓN CINEMA" offer to the Producer and crew who wants to know the tax regime to which he is entitled for his audiovisual production? And, what kind of subsidy could he get?

From "CAMALEÓN CINEMA" we offer the advice you need to know in depth what requirements you should perform in order to apply for tax deductions that correspond to the audiovisual production in project. We have qualified crew to inform about the requirements that must be complied to obtain the aforementioned certificates, and that are essential to be entitled to tax relief, as well as the necessary procedures to obtain these certificates.

Likewise, we help you obtain the subsidies offered by the Regional Community of Navarre for the filming of audiovisual productions. We study if the subsidies fulfill the budgets foreseen for each modality, we inform you about the terms and requirements of the last call that has been published. We manage the application for grants and subsidies that suits the film production. Also, our crew will help you get the financing needed.